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  • ACE Education and Awareness
    ACE Education and Awareness
    Investing in ACE education is an investment in the future of our children and community. With your support, we can break barriers, foster resilience, and create a generation equipped to succeed despite their challenges. Let’s advance past the ACEs together.
  • Shadow Program
    Shadow Program
    Research shows that having positive role models and access to supportive opportunities can counteract the effects of ACEs. The Shadow Program helps teens gain stability, build life skills, and envision a future beyond the challenges they’ve faced.
  • Case Management & Resilience Workbook
    Case Management & Resilience Workbook
    This program combines personalized case management with a structured workbook to guide families in addressing ACEs, fostering resilience, and achieving long-term success.
  • Bonds Beyond  Bars Program
    Bonds Beyond  Bars Program
    One of the most challenging ACEs a child can face is having an incarcerated parent. Our Bonds Beyond Bars Program helps bridge this gap by ensuring children receive a personalized gift from their parent on their special day. This simple act does more than bring joy to the child--it strength
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